الأعمال الميكانيكية

الأعمال الميكانيكية

أعمال التبريد والتكييف - مكافحة الحرائق - شبكات الغاز

تمتلك شركة منتدى البناء فريق عمل من المهندسين والفنيين الميكانيكيين المتخصصين في الأعمال الميكانيكية، ذوي الخبرة والكفاءة في إدارة وتنفيذ كافة الأعمال الميكانيكية المختلفة التي تتميز بمطابقتها للمواصفات العالمية طبقاً للأكواد العالمية والسعودية.
تتميز بالجودة والإبداع في تصميم وتوريد وتركيب أعمال التكييف والتهوية وشبكات الصرف الصحي والتغذية ومكافحة الشيخوخة. أعمال الحريق والري ومجاري الهواء (مجاري الهواء) وصيانة نظام التكييف المركزي وأجهزة التبريد لجميع أنواع المباني. تقوم الشركة بتوريد وتركيب كافة المعدات الميكانيكية ومحطات تحلية ومعالجة المياه وتنفيذ شبكات أنابيب التبريد وتدوير المياه والمضخات ومحطات الرفع والصرف الصحي من خلال نخبة من المهندسين والفنيين المتخصصين.

وفيما يلي الخدمات التي تقدمها الشركة في مجال الأعمال الميكانيكية:

Supply and installation of all nutrition and sewage networks, flood drainage networks, fire-fighting networks, irrigation and gas networks in cities, residential or industrial areas, commercial buildings, hospitals and educational buildings.

It includes all refrigeration and air conditioning works of all types for commercial, industrial, tourist and residential facilities, as well as all pre-installation equipment work in terms of studying and determining the required capabilities and implementation plans.

Forum Building Company is distinguished by its integration in firefighting systems in terms of design, supply, installation and testing of the effectiveness of the system, all according to the international and local specifications required by customers and in line with the status of their projects.

Supply, installation, testing and operation of all water, fire, sewage and irrigation pump rooms for all projects and buildings, as well as all pre-installation equipment work in terms of studying and determining the required capabilities and implementation plans.

Implementing all ground and overhead water tank projects, including all construction works, all pipe works and their affiliated rooms, inlet and outlet pipes, washing and draining, all valves that can be connected to the SCADA system and their affiliated rooms.

Building forum company has set rules that it adheres to in order to excel and be unique in the field of construction, including:


Careful planning

We have a specialized advisory and administrative work team with previous experience, to work on determining the budget and work requirements and selecting the appropriate construction and engineering supervision team.

Commitment to the delivery date

Projects are completed and delivered on time, while adhering to quality standards due to our commitment to the plan previously set by the work team.

Accuracy of implementation

Building forum company is committed to the accuracy and speed of implementing projects and paying attention to the accuracy of details while adhering to quality and timing standards to bring the project to the ideal implementation required.